Sunday, January 29, 2012

Go Team!! 118K and Counting

Hi there guys, this is The Deposed King once again here to share with you the results of today's writing.

I'm up to 118,490 on the word count!  Go team!!!

I'm not sure if I've found the end of my novel of not.  I'm thinking to end the book when Admiral Who! finishes up at Tracto VI and is ready to head back to the Confederacy in the Spine.  Originally I was planning for one more major plot to unfold.  When the young Admiral reaches Easy Haven, one of the few remaining old style confederation bases in the Sector.

A simple ship delivery and touching bases with the rest of the Confederacy, turns into a series of epic confrontations.  First with the Faithless Promethean Cruisers who either mutinied or committed piracy depending on how you look at it and then with the last Imperial Medium Cruiser in the Spine.  The corvette squadron based in Easy Haven will be forced to stand on the sidelines and watch helplessly as the heavy titans duke it out.  Or will they?

I was planning on a photo finish and it may still turn out that way.  I'm just trying to decide whether the ending of Tracto makes a nice ending for the story at about 115k words or if I need to go all the way for the jugular and finish up with the end of the Easy Haven conflict.

Either way this story won't write itself.  So after this 1st draft of Admiral Who is written.  Look and ask for snippets of it and if you like it as much as I do.  Say so and get ready for Book 2: Admiral's Gambit

The next in the series.  I haven't really decided on the series name.  Should it be:

The Admiral Who Series

An Admiral In Spite of Himself

A Series in the Spine Ward Core

A Sectors of the Spine Ward Core - Novel.


Let me know votes and such.  Both before and after you read the book!


The Deposed King

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