Hey there gang! I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to report back last night. I took the wife out to watch Haywire and when I got home I didn't have time to write a thing ;))
So the official word count for Admiral's Gambit is 1,851 or 1.8K. Jeez you know you were either slacking or really on a roll when you are adding tenths of a point to your rounded off word count. Since my target is 5k a day. I'll let you be the judge :)'
Anyway book two basically picks up right where book one left off. In this book our reluctant Admiral is desperate for recognition. The gambit... well I'll let you find out. Lets just say he's still worried that if he returns home he might be in for the long drop.
So have a blast guys. I can't wait to start posting the first snippets of book one. That slacker editor of mine! How dare he have power issues and a sluggish production schedule. You'd think he was working for free as a favor to me or something (eyes roll around to look at the air and I start whistling).
Hem-hem (cough) anyway the young Admiral daren't keep the Imperial Strike Cruiser and parade it around from world to world as part of his fleet for fear, the Empire might return to destroy a clear technical and strategic asset. On the other hand can he force himself to let go of such a prize when the MSP already has such few ships. Then there are the "pirates" everyone agree's he can't just hang them. How can he see that justice is served and done in such a way that the Imperials all make it home?
So stay in touch for the next breaking installment of Admiral's Gambit
Oh hey I found this on the Jim Butcher website. Its a real piece of inspiration for struggling hopefuls like myself: http://jimbutcher.livejournal.com/4217.html
By The Deposed King
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